Bungie and Activision: Release the upcoming title, Destiny, on the WiiU
Bungie and Activision: Release the upcoming title, Destiny, on the WiiU
The more people that are able to “hopper” on to this, shared-world shooter, the better. C’mon, my body is ready.
We just received a news tip from a person claiming to be an insider from Bungie. They sent us a link to a petition, saying, that they hope for Bungie’s next big game to grace Nintendo’s home console.
According to them, the next-gen version of the title was in development for the already confirmed PS4 and XBOX One… but also for the WiiU. They claim that Activision and Bungie require more evidence of interest in order for them to fully put their gears behind getting a WiiU version of the game out there.
NOTE: It is aywv staff’s personal belief that the person, sending the tip, does not work at Bungie. And these Change.org petitions usually don’t work anyway. But, it definitely would be good to generate interest, among third-parties, for Nintendo’s struggling console.
Article written by Jason Waggoner